International Keynes Con ブログトップ

11th International Keynes Conference [International Keynes Con]

Jan.26 (Mon.)

11th International Keynes Conference ー Globalization and Financial Markets is to be held on March 21 (Sat.) and 22 (Sun.) at Hitotsubashi University.

Details should be announced later. Just for announcement at the moment.


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フィレンツェ・コンファランスの「ケインズ・セッション」のプログラム [International Keynes Con]

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III SESSION. Chair: Roger Backhouse (University of Birmingham)

(1) 09.15 Toshiaki HIRAI, Keynes and the Case for Europe
Discussants: Fabio Ranchetti Fabio Ranchetti (Università di Pisa) and Sergio Nisticò (Università di Cassino); debate
(2) 10.15 Anna CARABELLI and Mario CEDRINI (University of Eastern Piedmont), Some Foreseeable Disasters of the Global Economy: The High Cost of Neglecting Keynes’s Approach
Discussants: Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia University, Tokyo) and Sergio Nisticò (Università di Cassino); debate
11.15 Coffee break
(3) 11.30 Julio LOPEZ GALLARDO (UNAM, Mexico City), Keynes, Kalecki and the Real World
Discussants: Fernando Cardim de Carvalho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Anna Simonazzi (University of Rome, La Sapienza); debate

12.30 Lunch: “Trattoria San Lorenzo”, Borgo San Lorenzo 53r

IV SESSION. Chair: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (University of Rome, La Sapienza)

(4) 14.00 Fernando Cardim DE CARVALHO (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), Liquidity Preference of Banks and Crisis
Discussants: Anna Simonazzi (University of Rome, La Sapienza) and Luca Fantacci (Bocconi University, Milan); debate
(5) 15.00 Luca FANTACCI (Bocconi University, Milan), Time for Bancor: Keynes's Currency Plan as a Solution to Global Imbalances
Discussants: Mario Cedrini (University of Eastern Piedmont) and Julio Lopez Gallardo (UNAM, Mexico City); debate
16.00 Coffee break
(6)16.15 Atsushi KOMINE (Ryukoku University, Kyoto), Why did Keynes promote Grace I in 1921? A Cambridge University Officer’s Attitude towards Conferring Degrees on Women
Discussants: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (University of Rome, La Sapienza) and Anna Carabelli (University of Eastern Piedmont); debate
(7) 17.15 Makoto NISHIBE (Hokkaido University), The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money and its Error: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?
Discussants: Anna Carabelli (University of Eastern Piedmont) and Fabio Ranchetti (Università di Pisa); debate
18.15 End of Workshop

フィレンツェ・コンファランスの「ケインズ・セッション」のプログラムです [International Keynes Con]





09.30 Luca FANTACCI, Time for Bancor: Keynes's Currency Plan as a Solution to Global Imbalances

Discussants: Mario Cedrini and Julio Lopez Gallardo; debate

10.15 Makoto NISHIBE, The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money and its Error: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?

Discussants: Anna Carabelli and Fabio Ranchetti; debate

11.00 Coffee break

11.30 Atsushi KOMINE, Lindhal or Keynes

Discussants: Maria Cristina Marcuzzo and Anna Carabelli; debate

12.15 End of session

12.30 Lunch: “Trattoria San Lorenzo”, Borgo San Lorenzo 53r

14.00 Fernando Cardim DE CARVALHO, Liquidity Preference of Banks and Crisis

Discussants: Anna Simonazzi and Luca Fantacci; debate

14.45 Anna CARABELLI and Mario CEDRINI, Some Foreseeable Disasters of the Global Economy: The High Cost of Neglecting Keynes’s Approach

Discussants: Toshiaki Hirai and Sergio Nisticò; debate

15.30 Julio Lopez GALLARDO, Keynes, Kalecki and the Real World

Discussants: Fernando Cardim de Carvalho and Anna Simonazzi; debate

16.15 Coffee break

16.45 Toshiaki HIRAI, Keynes and the Case for Europe

Discussants: Fabio Ranchetti and Sergio Nisticò; debate

17.30 Maria Cristina MARCUZZO, General comments

18.00 End of Workshop

International Keynes Con ブログトップ
